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Why does the club have a committee?A club is an association of people who have a common cause or interest-such as running a village hall, a gardening / sports club or in our case, a social members club. It is common that a club will then appoint a chairperson / president, a treasurer and a secretary; these officers form a management committee together with any other members of the club who are appointed to it. It is this management committee that administers the club’s actions in accordance with the wishes of its members as expressed in meetings. The management committee are responsible for the club’s compliance with any appropriate legislation e.g. Health and Safety, alcohol licencing, the Equality Act 2010 etc. They are also responsible for ensuring that appropriate insurance cover is obtained. The responsibilities of these officers and other management committee members, who are usually unpaid, may therefore be extremely onerous, something many are unaware of.
What are sub-committees and how do they work?The management committee can only act based on the rules set out in the MGC rule book and any by-laws. From time-to-time the committee may create a sub-committee to which roles can be delegated. It is important to remember that any decisions made by any sub-committees or groups remain the responsibility of the management committee. Therefore a reporting-back procedure is usually put in place where-by the committee are provided with a monthly update.
How can I join the committee?The committee is made up of four officers (secretary, president, vice-president, and treasurer), plus nine committee men (any club member aged over 21). Any vacancy on the committee may be filled by the management committee, in the event that there are more applicants than vacancies, this will then be put to a membership vote. At each AGM, three positions should be available for the management committee with the same rules applying, if there are more than three candidates, voting will take place to form a full committee.
What is the club dress code? (excluding functions including Saturday night in the Members Lounge)The following are not permitted in the club Workwear (soiled) Sportswear / activewear Hats / caps Club colours (unless it's a home nations match being shown in the club)
What is the club dress code? (Saturday evenings with entertainment / Designated function nights)The minimum dress code requirements are as follows for members and their male guests. Smart casual - this is defined as a shirt with collar (includes polo shirts), full length trousers (including smart jeans) and shoes (including fashion leather pumps). Note 1 - members / guests wearing ripped or bleached jeans will not be permitted to enter the club. Note 2 - members / guests wearing sports trainers will not be permitted to enter the club Note 3 - normal exclusions (see 'What is the club dress code? (excluding functions)') The wearing of a jacket and tie is encouraged but completely optional, many members like to wear a suit and tie to a function night. Function events / other events where this dress code applies will be highlighted within the club, on notices, and on tickets (where applicable). Entry will not be permitted to members / guests who are not dressed appropriately. Any other dress code requirements will be highlighted on advertisements (such as black tie on Presidents Night).
Are mobile phones allowed in the club?Mobiles phones can be used in the club for texting or taking photos / videos (provided they are are on silent or vibrate). The taking and making of phone calls must be in the designated areas, front or rear entrance foyer not in either of the lounges or snooker room.
Are children allowed in the club?Yes, there are however just a couple of points that we would like to remind you of. We are not licensed for children under 14 to be in the club after 9pm * Please be considerate to other club members who may not appreciate over-excited behaviour *Children are allowed in the club until 10:30pm on designated family nights / events
Can I bring guests in to the club?A member can bring friends in to the club as a guest*, however the following rules apply. No guest shall be brought in to the club more than twice per quarter No member can bring in more than two guests at any one time The guests must sign in to the visitors book A guest fee (£1) must be paid by each guest on entry** The guest must not be a former member who was expelled The guest must not be a former member who's membership lapsed The guest must not be a person nominated for membership but rejected The guest must not be a current member who is under suspension * For the purpose of this rule, the term guest only refers to men. Female guests are able to use the club freely under the responsibility of a fully paid up member. **This is not required for ticketed events (including Saturday evenings) where an entry fee is paid
How do I book an event at the Club?The Club will only accept events booked by Members, please write to the Secretary with the type of event, date, times and number of people expected. For funeral wakes, we have a form we can send you with all the relevant contact details and approximate costs. For members birthday parties, a member can have 25 male none members pre-signed in (£25). A list of names must be supplied to the Secretary prior to the event.
Are ladies allowed in the Members Lounge?Yes ladies are allowed in the Members Lounge
Are pets allowed in the club?Unfortunately pets are not currently allowed to be brought in to the club. Where a member or guest has an assistance animal, please notify the management committee so appropriate steps can be taken to best accommodate.
How do I become a memberIf you visit our membership page here and fill in the application form, new applications are reviewed monthly at our management committee meetings.
Who owns the club?The Club is owned by its members, when joining the Club each new member purchases 1 share in the Club (£10). If membership lapses or the member resigns / is expelled, the share is lost.
How much does membership cost?This is outlined on the membership page of the website, click here to be taken to the relevant page.
What are the clubs opening times?If you visit our contact page here, you can see the clubs opening and last entry times (please note - last orders are called after the last entry times).
What are the clubs Christmas opening times?Christmas Eve (Lunch) - 12:00 to 16:00* Christmas Eve (Evening) - 19:00 to 22:30* Christmas Day (Lunch) - 12:00 to 13:30* Boxing Day (Evening) - 19:00 to 22:30* New Years Eve (Evening) - 19:00 to 22:30* *last entry times
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